Tuesday, January 09, 2007

True Christianity: Wonder what its heart is?

I recently had the chance of reading a book titled,'Meeting Jesus Once again for the First time'- By Marcus.J.Borg, A Jesus scholar. He says, many people have an idea of Jesus that confines itself religious texts, he started to dig in the Jesus outside of the our religious texts and traditions. It's unfortunate for me to leave the book in London for I was devouring its first chapters.Its an amazing read. Some revelations in it are here for your perusal.

When God said, 'Be holy for I am Holy'. The Jews and religious people at that time equated that 'Be pure for I am pure' sensing it as clinical purity in its essence. They turned out to be very meticulous in following the nitty-gritty's of the tradition of sabbath and all other requisites of the religious law loosing the things of heart, God's character etc.. especially the most important ones. They were never able to realise in the centuries till Jesus came in of the error in interpreting the command faultily.

Jesus showed when God said 'Be Holy for I am Holy' as 'Be Compassionate for I am Compassionate'. Never ever they were told that Holiness meant wholeness in heart which is instinctually compassionate. I would encourage anyone who's interested to get and read it.One word for Jesus ministry is compassion- healing sick on sabbath breaking traditional laws, feeding thousands, setting bound set free...
Man, That was quite a revelation for me. I find still so many people who were totally missing out the essence in their religious pursuits and becoming obsessively and dogmatically attached to religious tradition where there is no heart or concern for people.

The word that has to be synonymous with Christianity should be Compassion.
1. a deep awareness of and sympathy for another's suffering
2. the humane quality of understanding the suffering of others and wanting to do something about it

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