Friday, January 02, 2009

From Arun version 8 to 9!

"There are no neurotics or geniuses or failures or fools. There are only neurotic moments, flashes of brilliance, failed opportunities, and stupid mistakes. But these moments, pleasant or unpleasant, can never fix us into rigid, immutable characters. We cannot help but change.”
-David K. Reynolds from Constructive Living

Yes, there are some foolish acts, failures, neurotic acts, stupid mistakes... I did in 2008. That cannot box me in. As the quote above states, they are individual moments.. They cannot fix us into immutable characters. I can change for the better and I will. (As Abraham Maslow once said, "What one can be, one must be!")

There is nothing to regret but to appreciate the best I had in 2008 gratefully. The best of life is still to come. The coming part (2009 onwards) of the life is going to be definitely better than my past. Relishing the NOW- looking forward with all of my heart, expecting Great things for God!

Dear God, Help me to be the best ever version of Arun! Update my software as I submit my internal code to you to program my core once again. I am yours! Sincerely-Arun

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